The Serial Fiction Verse

A My Next Life as a Villainess Fic

Serial Fiction

Rating: T | Warnings: None | Wordcount: 6,310

Relationships: Nicol/Maria/Keith, Sophia/Maria, Keith/Geordo, Mary/Maria, Maria/Keith, Everyone & Everyone

Sophia is detirmined to she's going to get the gang's love lives sorted out, if it's the last thing she does.

The Weight of the World

Rating: Gen | Warnings: None | Wordcount: 1,208 | Relashionships: Mary & Gerdo

Geordo thinks he isn't allowed to rest. Mary teaches him otherwise.


Rating: Gen | Warnings: None | Wordcount: 826 | Relationship: Mary/Maria

Mary lives her high femme fantasies


Rating: Teen | Warnings: None | Wordcount: 768 | Relationships: Maria/Geordo

Geordo was trying to be a gentleman. He should have remembered Maria is no lady.